Why Do All Watches Show Time As 10:10 – The 10:10 Time History

The 10:10 Time History

My husband is a watch fanatic. Every now and then, he drags me to the mall to check out a new timepiece. As someone who doesn’t know a Rolex from a Casio, I usually wander around the store looking at the displays, wondering why would someone spend so much money on these? I can imagine the watch enthusiasts shaking their heads in dismay.

During one of those rather boring visits, I noticed something peculiar: every single watch showed the same time – 10:10. At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but after seeing it repeatedly, I couldn’t help but wonder, why is the clock default time set to 10:10? What’s the 10:10 time history, and what does it signify?

The minute we reached home, I ran to my laptop to crack the 10 hour and 10 minutes mystery. This is what I found. 

Did you know why all watches show time as 10:10?

The 10:10 time history is as intriguing as it is specific. To my surprise, even all the photoshoots and watch ads always show 10:10 as the default time. Turns out, it is not a coincidence at all. 

There are several theories and myths behind this 10:10 watch setting. From clock inventors to the president of the United States, these theories are as creative as they are bizarre. Firstly, let’s get all the myths and speculations out of the way. 

The most obvious theory was connecting 10:10 to 10th October, calling it the International Day Of Watches. However, this cannot be any far from the truth. There is no such day that is recognised anywhere in the world. 

Another theory suggests that the inventor of the clock died at 10:10, hence all watches show 10:10 as a tribute, to commemorate his memory. But in reality, there is no single creator or inventor of the clock to whom this tribute can be given. 

Theories have also linked this specific time to iconic moments and figures from the past. For example, a famous theory suggested that the time 10:10 signifies the death of Abraham Lincoln. 

However, this was soon dismissed as Lincoln’s time of death was actually 7:22 AM. Some also said that it was actually the time President John F Kennedy was assassinated. But he was shot at 12:30 PM and declared dead at 1:00 PM.

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Beyond these historical figures, connections were also made between 10:10 and atomic bombings. Controversialists were now getting too creative– they speculated that the clock had struck 10:10 when one of the atomic bombs was dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. However, this was also soon proven to be wrong. The atomic bombs were dropped at 8:15 AM and 11:02 AM on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively.

There’s also said to be a more symbolic significance of the time 10:10. In numerology, 1010 is often seen as an angel number.  People who believe in numerology believe that 1010 has a spiritual meaning that signifies money, love, and spiritual growth. Watchmakers use this as a psychological tactic for potential buyers to subconsciously influence their perception, making the watch seem like a course of good fortune.

Why Do All Watches Show Time As 10:10

Well in reality, the reason behind the 10:10 time isn’t this exciting nor controversial. The significance of the time 10:10 is purely related to aesthetics. 

  • When the clock hands are set to 10 hours and 10 minutes, they create a pleasing symmetrical pattern. 
  • The hands are not overlapping. They frame the brand name and logo ensuring the watch’s face is not obscured by the hands. This provides a clear view of all the features of the watch.
  • The position of both the hands create an open upward-facing “V” shape. This is considered to be a happy symbol resembling a smiling face. Studies suggest this can influence a customer’s perception and purchasing decision.

Historically, watch companies always used to set their times at 8:20 for all ads. This also created a symmetrical visual pattern without overshadowing the logo. However, it was concluded that the hands pointing downwards appeared like a frown and could impact the buyer’s mood negatively. 

It was not until 1926 that the Hamilton Watch Company adapted 10:10 as their favored time for ads and photoshoots. 

The 10:10 watch setting has since become a standard for watchmakers. This standardization ensures uniformity across advertisements, creating a familiar and consistent visual experience for consumers. This subtle psychological tactic benefits the buying behavior of the consumer. 

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The 10:10 Time Conclusion

The history of 10:10 time has been linked with rich references and exciting theories. However, as is often the case, they are all myths. The truth is that nowadays, most watchmakers just follow the norm without giving a second thought to the 10:10 time history. The only logical explanation that most companies use is that all elements of the watch are clearly visible along with the logo and brand name. So it really is just about aesthetics. 

Fun Fact: Mostly all brands of the watch industry, no matter how high-end, have times set at 10:10. However, Ulysse Nardin, the ultra-luxury Swiss watchmakers, always set their watches at 8:19. Rolex sets their time at precisely 10:10:31 and for their models with a date, it is always Monday the 28th. Timex has not deviated from 10:09:36, even for their digital models.

Have you ever noticed this before while buying a watch? Tell us in the comments. 

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