Weirdest Tweets by Celebrities That We’re Still Trying To Figure Out

Weirdest Tweets by Celebrities

Twitter is no stranger to weird things and thoughts that people have to share. Now that Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, has taken full control over the social media platform, we can expect some pretty strange things coming their way! Musk has been candid about his plans of limiting censorship on the platform and providing more freedom of speech to everyone who wishes to share their thoughts. We can only imagine how weird things can get after that, right?

Twitter is also no stranger to celebrities and their sometimes very unusual tweets. We usually assume that celebrities are just like us – until they get on Twitter.

Check this compilation of the weirdest, most bizarre celebrity tweets we’ve seen.

1. Justin Bieber

Who doesn’t love the Canadian artist, JB? He is always in the limelight for his amazing music, rough patches, relationships, anger outbursts and more. In 2009, Bieber’s famous hit “Baby” dropped. That is when the singer tweeted “Why is rhode island nor a road or an island.” Bieber was only 15 years old at the time.

Justin Bieber wieard tweet

2. Kanye West

Hip Hop and Rap artist, Ye, is making more headlines than anyone these days, for all the wrong reasons! He is known for saying things that are weird and that make less sense, to say the least. Example, his Tweet from 2018 which we are still trying to figure out.

Kanye West twitter

3. Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner sharting herself? This one is definitely on top of the list for the weirdest things one can Tweet! Oversharing much?

Kris Jenner tweet

4. Britney Spears

We know the Princess of Pop isn’t afraid of speaking her mind! Britney Spears started her entertainment career when she was just a child and is credited with influencing the revival of teen pop during the late 1990s and early 2000s.

She probably is one of the most interesting personalities on Instagram and Twitter but we are still unsure about this Tweet.

Britney Spears tweet

5. Martha Stewart

The multi-talented Martha Stewart is a successful American businesswoman. Although there are plenty of Tweets by her that make even less sense, one from 2013 was just absurd. Martha Stewart is literally just smashing her keyboard here! In the past, she has tweeted randoms word and alphabets like “r” or just “oil”. Weird, eh?

Martha Stewart tweet

6. Justin Bieber (again)

Justin Bieber earns another spot on this list as an all-time confusing tweeter. We don’t even know.

Justin Bieber tweet

7. Post Malone

Post Malone is known to be one of music’s most versatile artists. He also happens to be hilarious and his Twitter feed is proof. Is Post trying to be philosophical here?

Post Malone tweet

8. Donald Trump

In the list of the most weird Tweets, how can we not have former President of the United States, Donald Trump? He is so famous for his tweets that Twitter had to ban him!

The “very stable genius” tweet is actually part three of a tweet collection in which the president said he’s “like, really smart” and that “Crooked” Hillary Clinton went “down in flames” during the 2016 election.

“I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star….. ….to President of the United States (on my first try),” Trump tweeted. All that, he said, was enough to qualify him as “as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”

The tweet came in response to claims made in Michael Wolff’s explosive book on the White House that said 100% of people in the administration question the president’s mental fitness. Source: Business Insider

donald trump tweet

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