Why Do We Have Butt Hair And How To Remove Them Safely?

why do we have butt hair

Who knew a hairy butt could be the source of all your discomfort? So much so that you would come knocking on the internet’s door demanding an answer to why do we have butt hair? First of all, know that you are absolutely fine. Hair on buttocks or what’s called the Vellus hair is not a physical abnormality. Do girls too have bum hair? Yes, everyone around us has hair in that area—some more, some a little less. 

You may think you are alone in this struggle. After all, butt hair is not considered a decent topic of conversation and there’s no no-shave November campaign going on around it. It’s okay to be bothered about how your body looks or feels. Let’s resolve all your queries and doubts. We bet, by the end of it, you would finally accept your hairy bum.

What Causes Hair To Grow Between Butt Cheeks

If you look at it as a part of your regular body hair, it won’t seem so out of place. Puberty comes with hair growth in places like your underarms and pubic region along with the butt crack. When it’s a universal thing, the thickness and density of bum hair vary from person to person. Let’s take a quick look at the reasons behind it:

  • Studies show that ethnicity and genetics play a pivotal role in our body hair color, texture, and growth
  • Hormones (estrogen and androgen) produced in the adrenal glands control our body hair growth. Adrenal gland disorders like Cushing syndrome or hyperplasia can shoot up the hair density
  • Hormonal imbalance due to menstruation, puberty, pregnancy, PCOS, or stress can disrupt normal hair growth
  • Taking certain medications for long-term can increase body hair such as minoxidil, danazol, antidepressants, anabolic steroids 

What Is The Purpose Of Butt Hair? 

Butt crack hair can be itchy and aesthetically unpleasing. Then why do humans have bum hair at all? Does it have any biological purpose or is it all about the uneasiness? In our primate ancestors, body hair functioned as a protective layer from the cold. 

As we evolved, hair density decreased significantly to fit into the modern lifestyle and climate. However, butt hair is vestigial because it still serves some purpose for our body. For instance:

  • It locks the secreted oil from sebaceous glands to retain our unique scent. Sounds yucky but the body smell is an important factor in mate selection
  • Your butt cheeks rub against each other when you jog or swim. The friction can cause skin chafing which means redness, rash, or swelling. The layer of butt hair is there to protect you from the irritation
  • And of course, it keeps your tushie warm

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Should You Remove The Hair In Your Butt Crack 

To shave or not to shave, that’s the question. Now that we are clear on ‘why do we have butt hair’, you can decide whether you want to live with it or shave or wax it off. There is no downside to removing your posterior mustache. The reasons people opt for bum hair removal are very personal. Such as:

  • Some just like the clean-shaved feathery smooth skin down there. Although shaving cream ads, girlie magazines, and adult movies greatly influence this mindset
  • For the same reason, they seem to feel more sexy and confident during intimate moments. Going hairless is a superficial beauty standard imprinted in our psyche 
  • Getting rid of male/female buttocks hair has of course its hygienic advantage. Especially if you are a sweaty person, a clean butt crack can save you from a lot of rashes, infections, and ingrown hair blemishes
  • A fuzzy bum is not exactly your friend while wearing certain fabrics like silk, or satin. Body-hugging clothes can make you feel like you are on a display

Take your pick keeping in mind that not shaving is a perfectly acceptable choice. However, if you are dead set on getting rid of the bush, let’s discuss your options:

  • Shaving: How to remove hair around anus at home? Shaving can get the job done in a few strokes. Get your hands on a good-quality razor or an electric bikini shaver and some organic shaving cream or gel. But how is it humanly possible to bend at that particular angle to reach the area? The trick is to put your one leg up, pull the butt cheeks apart with one hand, and start shaving very carefully with steady, small strokes. Keep a mirror handy to check progress 
  • Waxing: Wax the fuzz off and you can relax for the next three to six weeks depending on your hair growth. If you want a DIY experience, grab a waxing kit. Follow the instructions on the box closely. Always, always do a patch test before you stick the hot wax on your bum. It’s advised to visit a professional instead of risking skin irritation at home. If you are wondering, “Does Brazilian wax include buttocks?”, yes, it does 
  • Depilatory creams: If you want to get rid of bum hair as a female, this might be a convenient option. These creams chemically break the keratin bonds and dissolve hair in no time. Wipe it all off with a clean cloth and you are good to go. But you may have to repeat the process every other week since it doesn’t remove hair from the root. According to a WebMD article, it can cause first-, second-, or third-degree chemical burns. Do your research and buy the one that suits sensitive skin
  • Laser treatment: “I just pulled a long hair out of my bum. It happens every time I wash my hair and it’s disgusting. I want to remove hair from anus permanently”—if this is your concern, go for Laser Hair Reduction. The laser beams cripple the hair follicles in this area permanently to stop any further growth. Since the laser is more effective on coarse, thick hair, it’s a fine choice for male anus hair removal
  • Electrolysis: Studies show that this method not only improves a person’s physical appearance but also their mental well-being. The process is done by a trained aesthetician in a few sittings. It can cause mild to moderate discomfort depending on your pain threshold. But the catch is, it’s permanent

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Precautions And Risks Of Removing Butt Hair 

No matter which method you opt for, remember that you are dealing with a very delicate area in your body. Even a little bit of clumsiness can result in chemical burns, razor cuts, or bleeding. 

A study shows that there have been more than 292,000 hair removal injuries in the US between 1991 and 2014. Selecting the wrong product or method can also cause several side effects like itching, rash, ingrown hairs, infection, and soreness. To be on the top of your game, take the following precautions:

  • Practice good hygiene: Take a warm shower beforehand to keep the area dirt-free and rinse it off with cool water after shaving
  • Maintain optimal hair length: To shave or wax safely, your butt hair has to be ¼ to ½ inch long. Wait until it grows back or if it’s too long, trim it carefully with sterilized scissors 
  • Apply cooling agents: Since the targeted area will go through a lot during the process, try something soothing like aloe vera gel to prevent redness and swelling. Keep the area moisturized with an alcohol-free lotion 
  • Go in the right direction: Shave in the direction of your hair growth. Pull off the waxing strips in a downward direction
  • Exfoliate: Use a mild, unscented scrub a few days before and after to prevent ingrown hair
  • Light clothing: Let the area breathe. Wear something soft and loose after hair removal 

Now you can stop stressing over ‘why do we have butt hair’. You are not an anomaly by any means. If you decide to go clean, there are plenty of options available. Whether you keep it or let it go, safety and hygiene should always come first. It will be wise to consult your dermatologist for their expert opinion on what’s the right method and product for your skin. Happy shaving!

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