8 Benefits Of Not Showering Everyday

Benefits Of Not Showering Everyday

A steady stream of water washing the dirt off your body does feel good at the end of the day, doesn’t it? But what if it’s doing more harm than good? Yeah. It’s bad news for people who shower every day and good news for lazy couch potatoes owing to the fact that there are way more benefits of not showering every day than those who enjoy daily showers. 

And no. It’s not at all gross. The New York Times recently published an article where people in America said that they have started bathing less often since the time the pandemic started. And honestly, there’s nothing wrong with it. Your skin and the plant will thank you. 

However, this definitely doesn’t mean you’ll stop caring about personal hygiene, which is a different concept altogether. All you have to do is find a good balance between keeping yourself clean and not having to take a shower every single day. 

8 Benefits Of Not Showering Everyday 

Ever wondered what life would be like without the daily froth and foam? You’d be pleasantly surprised. According to Harvard Health, “Taking a daily shower is more about societal norms and habits than health”.

There’s your answer to the question, “Is daily bathing necessary?” This has nothing to do with your physical or mental health. It is usually done to keep body odor at bay.

Benefits Of Not Showering Everyday
Historically, only a water jug and bowl were used for washing (Credit: Alamy via BBC)

Even the very handsome Ashton Kutcher is an infrequent showerer. He once quoted that he just washes his armpits and crotch daily and nothing else ever. He is not lazy. Perhaps even he knows the below-listed benefits of not showering every day: 

1. It maintains the natural moisture of your skin

Is it bad to take too many baths? Yes. Research has found that showering daily can irritate your skin. You could be drying your skin by exposing it to water frequently.

One more thing to consider is the quality of water which varies from one place to another. Your skin is sure to become rough and patchy when it comes in contact with hot water every day. 

2. Not showering daily preserves natural oils

Itchiness and irritation will also catch up soon if you don’t let go of your daily shower routine. This is because when you indulge in scalding hot waters and harsh soap, you strip away the outer layer of your skin which includes all the natural oils and lipids, as per this finding

These oils and lipids keep your skin healthy and nourished. That’s precisely why you can’t scrub your skin like you scrub your clothes as it is proven to have negative effects of showering every day for your skin. Thus, you can recklessly forget about the morning rush of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and embrace your natural oils. 

3. Antibacterial soaps can kill off normal bacteria

Studies have found that sometimes antibacterial soaps can get rid of good bacteria which can upset the natural balance of the microorganism in your skin.

You can instead opt for skin wash instead of shower and use bath sponges to clean your body. If you are up for some DIY project, you can create your own bathing soaps with gentle ingredients. 

4. You are less exposed to chemicals

Many bathing products contain chemicals that can be harsh on your skin including your loofah. They are made of a variety of synthetic chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances. 

This is one of the reasons why experts have always asked us to take fewer showers to decrease our overall exposure to these potentially harmful substances. 

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5. Prevents skin conditions 

Does not showering have any benefits? Absolutely. One of the key benefits of not bathing daily is that you get to stay away from skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, and eczema.

Here you have another reason to avoid taking a shower every day if you have such flaring-up skin problems. It can worsen your acne and eczema. 

6. Improves your immune system

In the world of showering, less is more when it comes to chemical exposure. When you shower less, you cut down your body from coming in contact with harsh chemicals. 

You need to let your skin breathe and not let it suffocate by exposing it to phthalates. This improves your immune system1 and that’s why doctors always recommend parents not bathe their children often. 

7. Less hair damage

Believe it or not but hairfall and showering daily go hand in hand. Your hair moisturizes itself naturally and you don’t have to shampoo it daily. That’s one of the reasons why sitting down in the shower is bad for you.

If you keep taking a shower every day, there are chances of your hair becoming dry and brittle. It’ll be exposed to breakage and split ends. Always opt for mild shampoos and conditioners that will be gentle on your hair and scalp. 

8. It saves water and energy usage

Bathing is a water and energy-intensive act. You need to heat the water first and then consume it.

The Department of Energy has confirmed that humans spend 18% of our energy resources on heaters and geysers. You can instead have a sponge bath to wash your body.

Furthermore, studies have confirmed that personal hygiene adds to about 30-40% of water usage daily. So, individuals can save many liters a day by changing their showering habits. 

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Conclusion: To Bathe Or Not To Bathe Daily 

It’s high time people resort to taking a shower once a week as it offers more benefits than showering daily. People didn’t bathe daily 100 years ago and it was considered normal back then.

It’s a habit that spread like wildfire only after we got access to modern bathrooms and indoor plumbing. Hence, the benefits of not showering every day prove that you don’t need to bathe daily but you need to be hygienic. Shower if you feel sweaty and unclean. Otherwise, spray a deodorant and you are good to go! 

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