I’m Feeling Curious

I’m Feeling Curious is for those who have an itch to learn the reasoning behind new things. These can be things happening in everyday occurrences or can simply be curiosity-driven questions that people don’t think about much.

You know those odd questions that might randomly pop in your head while taking a shower? Well, we are here to answer just that.

Why Do We Feel Jealous of Others' Success

8 Ways to Stop Being Jealous of Other People’s Success

We’ve all been there: being jealous of others’ success when scrolling through social media, watching someone else’s success story unfold, or hearing about another person’s achievements. Jealousy is a natural human emotion that can strike anyone, regardless of their personal or professional situation. However, jealousy of other people’s success can hold you back from reaching…

How to stop being annoyed by chewing

How to Stop Being Annoyed by Chewing: Tips to Cope with Misophonia

I like to think of myself as a foodie. I love exploring new restaurants, but one thing always makes me hesitate—the sound of people chewing around me!  When people chew or slurp their food, I find it unbearable, and I am constantly wondering how to stop being annoyed by chewing. Family dinners are my nightmare;…