Does Crying Make Your Eyelashes Grow? Myth or Fact?

does crying makes your eyelashes grow

Tears are commonly associated with emotional release, but a common beauty myth suggests that your crying sessions may actually be giving you an additional unexpected benefit. You may have come across this fact from a friend or beauty guru that crying makes your eyelashes grow longer. I am not going to lie– I am guilty of having a late night crying session and then hoping for a little beauty bonus in the form of longer eyelashes. 

This common misconception has been around for some time now. Does crying make your eyelashes grow? Is there any truth to this tearful tale? 

If you want this question to be unraveled, read on to learn whether crying or the composition of tears have any real impact on your eyelash growth. 

Crying and eyelashes: What is the connection? 

Ophthalmologist Dr. Jovi Boparai of CorneaCare explains that there is no scientific connection between crying and eyelash growth, so this belief is a myth.

Even though sometimes you might think your lashes look thicker and darker after a good cry fest, this is nothing but tears moistening the lashes and giving them a temporary effect. Once your eyes dry, they will return to their original length.

To further debunk this myth, let’s analyze the components of tears to see if they contain any secret ingredients that can promote lash growth.

Tears comprise water, fatty lipids, electrolytes, proteins, and mucin (the mucous layer, the aqueous layer, and the oily layer). None of these ingredients are shown by science as something that can help develop long lashes. The main function of tears is to clear the debris from your eyes and repel irritants. 

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Benefits of crying

Nothing beats the feeling after a long crying session; the amount of relief you feel, and the temporary beauty boost is unparalleled. We all know the feeling too well and remember how good it feels. Common misconceptions 

Apart from these, are there any other benefits to crying? Psychologically and physically, there are many more, including:

1. Crying is good for psychological well-being as it releases tension, alleviates your emotional pain, and releases happy hormones such as endorphins, oxytocin, and so on. The relieved feeling you get after crying? Yeah, these hormones are the reason behind it.

2. Just like other bodily fluids, tears can flush out toxins from your body, including cortisol, bacteria, and dust. They further remove the irritants and dust particles in your eyes.

3. A good cry session can reactivate your immune system and produce white blood cells that kill pathogens that would otherwise cause infections.

4. Crying can additionally help improve your vision, act as a moisturizing agent, remove dryness, and contribute to your eye health overall. They act as a lubricant and help in keeping your eyes hydrated.

5. Crying is a great way to relieve pent-up frustration and tension, thus making you feel refreshed and invigorated. 

Crying makes your lashes grow? Myth or Fact

Although sometimes crying can make your eyes beautiful, this effect is temporary and nothing more. 

Therefore, the effects of crying do not include eyelash growth. Here is some science behind the popular myth: 

1. Tear Formation: Our tears are all about water (mostly 98%), with some parts of proteins, electrolytes, and antimicrobial enzymes mixed with them1. All of these are essential for moisturizing and protecting your eyes, but none of these components are known to stimulate eyelash growth, as stated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. 

2. The Process of Lash Growth: Like all hair on our body, our eyelashes, too, have a predetermined growth process and cycle as  explained in this research( and then link this word research). This process consists of a growth phase that lasts for several weeks. This phase is followed by a Transition phase and a resting phase before the lash starts to shed and the lash growing process starts again. 

3. Short-term Appearance: Tears can make your lashes appear darker and broader, but that effect is just for a short period. The water can give a temporary plump to your lashes, while the proteins in tears can cause some clumping as well. But always remember that this doesn’t cause actual growth.

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What to do for longer eyelashes?

Not everyone is lucky to be born with naturally long lashes and tears clearly are not going to do it. But all is not lost! Although crying and eyelash growth do not go hand in hand, there are some methods that can help accentuate your lashes.

To make your eyelashes grow or create an illusion of longer lashes, you can use one or a combo of some of the following methods:

1. Lash serum

Lash serums are made up of a cocktail of ingredients such as biotin, peptides, castor oil, and hyaluronic acid that can strengthen your lashes and boost their growth. You can apply these serums a couple of times a week, and you can see an increase in length within a few weeks or months.

2. Lash curler

If you are someone who is looking for a short-term solution, then a lash curler can be the thing for you. For longer and more defined eyelashes, hold the curler for a couple of seconds on each of your lashes. Take precautions to avoid tugging on your eye with this curler, as it may cause damage to your lashes.

3. Mascara

This is another great choice for short-term solution seekers. Mascara is a cosmetic product that can immediately improve the thickness of your lashes and give them a beautiful flare that you will adore.

It comes in different formulations and colors, so you can have as many choices as your heart desires. But make sure to remove it at the end of the day, as letting it stay on for a long time can dry out your lashes and cause them to break.

4. False eyelashes and extensions

This is another cosmetic product that is usually attached on top of normal eyelashes with lash glue and tweezers. These attachments can either be temporary or semi-permanent and can be applied by yourself or with the help of a lash professional.

These can be removed later on with the lash remover or oil. They are made up of different materials, lengths, and styles, thus providing a wide array of options for you to choose from based on your preference.

Beyond tears, unveiling the final verdict

So, is it true that crying makes your eyelashes grow? Absolutely not! Crying cannot make your eyelashes grow longer. However, with the right products and healthy habits, growing your lash is entirely possible.

Even if you want short-term solutions, there are many choices for you to pick from. So, rather than crying your eyes out, hoping to get longer lashes, you would have a better success rate with these products. 

So, get beautiful, luscious, and thick lashes without crying for it!

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