Can Mushrooms Really ‘Talk’ To Each Other?

how do mushrooms communicate

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Fun. Fun who? Fungi! Yes, that’s exactly what we are going to talk about today. From mushroom language to how do mushrooms communicate, let’s take a look at these fun-gis and fun-gals! 

Imagine a secret underground society where these umbrella-shaped fungi send electric signals and talk to one another. No no. We don’t need a translator to decipher what these mushrooms are talking about. We just need to appreciate biodiversity and it will also help our agricultural practices. 

That’s what the article is about. We are going to find out all about mushrooms and their way of communication. I am not a mushroom language translator but I’ve done some research on this subject that might intrigue you to read till the end. 

Do Mushrooms Have Their Own Fungi Language? 

Nearly all the living beings living above the earth communicate with one another. From the bellowing of animals to the chemical signals sent by plants to the laughter of humans and the clicks, grunts, pops, and screeches of fishes.

But what about the organisms that are thriving beneath the ground like mushrooms? Can they communicate like humans? Probably. Mushrooms talking to one another isn’t like humans chattering and yapping. It’s something different. 

The idea of mushroom communication network may seem a little absurd but these organisms thriving beneath the ground do communicate with one another. Research has found that they have a sophisticated communication system that consists of 50 words. 

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How Do Mushrooms Communicate With One Another? 

Do mushrooms talk to each other? Yes. According to research, mushrooms communicate through a fascinating network known as mycelium. This mycelium connects various fungal organisms that look like an underground web. Let’s take a broader look at how are mushrooms communicating underground with the help of mycelium:

1. A vast network of mycelium 

Picture a sprawling web of thread-like hyphae resembling the likes of a WiFi symbol under the ground. That’s exactly what a vast network of mycelium looks like. 

This mycelium helps the fungi form a strong interconnected network amongst each other. With the help of this mycelium, mushrooms can swap nutrients, water, and other essential things needed. 

2. They use chemical signals

When any mushroom in their underground society is in danger, they use chemical signals to alert the rest of them. This message is sent through the mycelial web. Thanks to this message, the mushrooms can strengthen their defenses like forming thicker mycelium networks to block pathogens or other invaders. 

3. They transmit electrical impulses

How do mushrooms communicate? Recent studies have found that just like animals send nerve signals to one another, these mushrooms can transmit electrical impulses. 

They can communicate as widely as they can send electrical impulses. This helps them stay in sync with the environment. 

4. They respond to threats 

Furthermore, mushrooms have ways of responding to threats but their responses are quite different from animals. For instance, studies say that some fungi can produce toxic compounds to get rid of herbivores and pathogens which may harm them.

Also, with the help of these threat signals, they alter their growth patterns based on environmental stresses. This ability to adapt helps them survive in various conditions and defend against potential threats. 

Can Mushrooms Speak 50 Words? 

Can mushrooms talk? Yes. According to research, mushrooms have a vocabulary of 50 words. Their way of communicating isn’t like ours but they send chemical signals to interact with their environment and other organisms. 

For example, they can release volatile organic compounds to attract or repel insects and other organisms. This form of communication is complex but completely different from how humans communicate with one another.

The same research also confirms that these chemical signals are quite similar to human speech and resemble the vocabulary of dozens of words. And the average length of each ‘word’ was 5.97 letters. 

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Do Other Plants Speak To Each Other?  

Yes, plants can speak to each other and even mushrooms communicate with trees. They use the same chemical signals to send messages to one another. For instance, when a plant is attacked by pests, it releases volatile organic compounds that can signal neighboring plants to initiate their own defensive responses. 

Another method they use to communicate with one another is through underground networks that are formed by mycorrhizal fungi. And how far can mushrooms communicate with one another depends on how many mushrooms or plants are connected using this mycorrhizal fungus. 

This network is usually referred to by horticulturalists as the “Wood Wide Web.” Lastly, they also talk about the nutrients required and if there is any imminent danger to the life of a plant. 

Conclusion: The Quiet Communicators Beneath The Ground

While mushrooms don’t talk to each other in the most illiterate sense, they do have their own way of sending signals to one another. This shows their remarkable capacity for coordination and how easily they adapt to any environmental condition.  

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