How Often Should You Change Your Underwear 

How Often Should You Change Your Underwear 

Why is it that we rehash our wardrobes every year but we never purchase new underwear? That’s something to think about if you are still wearing undergarments from 2010. Read along and find out how often should you change your underwear 

We get it that you are big on sustainability and that you get attached to your clothes. But there are holes in your underwear from overusing them. Their elasticity is gone and they are badly stained.

What’s crazier is that there are instances where some people wear the same underwear for three days at a stretch. Your OB/GYN is definitely not happy about it. They have always warned people against doing such an extreme act. 

Why Is It Important To Wear Clean Underwear?

Very few people get a sneak peek of our underwear and that’s one of the main reasons why people don’t throw underwear away. This is not a good idea though. In reality, not changing underwear often is a big sign of bad hygiene. It increases the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.

That’s why you need to replace your underwear after 6-12 months to prevent the buildup of sweat, bacteria, and odors that can occur throughout the day. 

You will be shocked to find out that some people even go to the extent of wearing boxers inside out. A very uncomfortable way of dressing up, isn’t it? Avoid such discomfort and buy new knickers frequently to allow better airflow and reduce the chances of skin irritation.

How Often Should You Change Your Underwear?

It is usually recommended to change your underwear daily because it guarantees good hygiene and reduces the chances of you getting any yeast infections or skin irritation.

Also, men and women may prefer to change their underwear twice a day, which is a good thing especially if you have an active lifestyle and participate a lot in physical activities. Even during periods, it’s best to change your underwear at least once a day. 

Along with this, it is also important to replace underwear regularly as they become worn out or lose their elasticity, typically every 6 months to a year depending on usage and fabric quality. 

Some people also follow a 50-wash rule to prevent underwear stretch out. If your underwear has been washed fifty times, ditch them.

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How To Maintain Underwear Hygiene 

A survey concluded that almost 1 in 2 Americans wear the same pair of underwear for two or more days. Yes, they sure need some hygiene lessons!! Maintaining proper underwear hygiene is crucial for your overall well-being. Here are some tips on how to do it:

How To Maintain Underwear Hygiene 

1. Change your underwear daily

What happens if you don’t change your boxers? Your body naturally produces sweat and sheds dead skin cells throughout the day and when you wear the same underwear every day, these substances can easily gather in your undergarment. 

Bacteria love warm environments like this and this leads to the unpleasant odor you smell when you overwear your undergarments. This phenomenon also increases your chances of getting infections and skin irritations. Talk about being dirty!

2. Opt for breathable fabrics

You can choose breathable fabrics like cotton when purchasing new undergarments because they will help maintain freshness and comfort throughout the day.

Cotton is everyone’s favorite as it provides better airflow and it also absorbs moisture quickly. It also reduces the chances of bacteria accumulation too. 

3. Wash your undergarments thoroughly

How often should you wash your underwear? You must wash your undergarments after each use. Yes, that’s right. You can go ahead and wear panties from last night all you want and act like everything is okay when it’s not.

It is a good idea to wash your underwear separately from the rest of your clothes.

You also need to keep in mind that you must wash your clothes after a yeast infection. Wash with your hands and use mild detergent. Avoid using any kind of fabric softeners as they leave residue behind and the chemicals can cause irritation. 

4. Store your underwear properly

Place your undergarments in a clean and dry area where moisture won’t be accumulated. Underwear and panties last longer when they are kept in a dry area. 

5. Replace them with new ones regularly 

How often should you change your underwear? Well, it’s time to ditch your old underwear and buy new ones before they have worn out, stretched out, and have holes in them. Yes, its time to go shopping!

Make sure you have almost two weeks of clean underwear sitting in your closet. So, a 10-12 pair inventory is a good start.

Undergarments usually lose their elasticity after six months and saggy panties and knickers aren’t comfortable. Plus, they can cause rashes and underwear sores. So, keep replacing your underwear stash every six months. 

6. Practice good intimate area hygiene

It’s not just about how often should you change your underwear. It’s also about practicing good intimate area hygiene.

For example, wash your intimate area after going to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom after sex and stay hydrated. Flow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

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How Much Underwear Should You Own? 

The answer to this question actually depends on your lifestyle and laundry habits. If you are the kind of person who changes underwear daily, then owning at least ten pairs of underwear is ideal.

If you are someone who plays a lot of sports and engages in frequent physical activities and sports, then owning more than ten is essential as you need to change your underwear after each activity. 

For people who are too lazy to do laundry, then more than ten is required because you can’t use your underwear for more than one day. That’s unhygienic and can lead to UTIs.

As a general rule of thumb, keep somewhere between 10-15 underwear based on your personal needs. 

Conclusion: The Underwear Dilemma

Whenever you are going out or planning to spend the night somewhere else, make sure to pack extra underwear just to be safe. Make it a habit to change underwear daily and minimize bacterial buildup. Invest your money in high-quality underwear as they last longer. And even if your underwear is in good condition, avoid wearing them. Instead, turn them into cleaning and dusting rags. This way, you are recycling your own clothes and you are avoiding waste. 

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