Does A Broken Mirror Bring Bad Luck? 

Is it bad luck to break a mirror?

Mirror, mirror, on the floor. Is your luck really out the door? Well.. If you asked my overly spiritual grandfather, he would say yes in a heartbeat. I once broke a mirror accidentally and he gave me an earful I could never forget. But is it bad luck to break a mirror? What if it’s just a myth and we’ve just been fooling ourselves? This has made me explore more on what does breaking a mirror symbolize. 

If you’ve ever found yourself cautiously tiptoeing around a shattered mirror, fearing a seven-year streak of misfortune, come join me on this journey and find out if it actually brings bad luck or if we’ve been following this superstition blindly all along.

Is It Bad Luck To Break A Mirror? 

There’s no scientific evidence backing this superstition and it’s up to you to believe it or not. But always remember, if a mirror breaks in home, don’t let it make you anxious. It’s not worth ruining your mental health over. 

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Breaking A Mirror? 

Stemming from ancient superstitions, if a mirror breaks in home, it is considered bad luck. The belief originated from the idea that mirrors reflect not just appearances but also one’s soul. In ancient Rome, people thought that breaking a mirror would damage one’s soul and bring misfortune.  

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How Did The Broken Mirror Bring Bad Luck Superstition Originate?  

Back during the 15th and 16th century, mirrors were really expensive and the servants were afraid to clean them. They were afraid they would accidentally break a mirror and they would have to face seven years of bad luck. But how exactly did this superstition originate? Let’s find out: 

1. Ancient beliefs

During ancient civilizations, people used to think that mirrors held magical powers. It was also believed that mirrors were used in witchcraft. The reason why people used to associate mirrors with magic and witchcraft is because of the belief that mirrors hold a person’s soul which could be manipulated by black magic. Thus, mirrors have always had a deeper connection to one’s spirit and fate. 

2. Influence of the Romans 

Is it bad luck to break a mirror? According to ancient Romans, it indeed is. They used to believe that mirrors have the power to reveal one’s true self, including any impending misfortune.

They also thought that the soul rejuvenated itself every seven years. So, if you intentionally break a mirror, it was thought to interfere with this renewal process, and that it would lead to seven years of bad luck. 

3. Medieval and Renaissance Europe

During the medieval and Renaissance period, mirrors were expensive. It used to be an object that only rich people could afford. It was considered a financial loss irrespective of whether you accidentally break a mirror or purposely break a mirror. 

4. Word of mouth 

Over time, this superstition that broken mirrors bring bad luck spread from one generation to another and became ingrained in various cultures and religions like Hinduism, Shinto, and Taoism. This is also believed in Greek and African cultures. 

Is it bad luck to break a mirror?

How Many Years Of Bad Luck For Breaking A Mirror? 

This superstition claims that your bad luck will last for seven years. Seven years because according to Greek mythology, it takes seven years for a person to renew their soul. That’s why breaking a mirror is said to bring bad luck for seven years.

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How To Reverse The Broken Mirror Bad Luck? 

If you are saying, “I broke a mirror and I am scared bad luck would find me”, fear not. There are several remedies believed to help reverse the misfortune caused by breaking a mirror.. Here are some of the most common methods:

1. Burn the pieces or grind them into fine powder 

Carefully burn the broken pieces if they are small enough and safe to do so in a fire or just blacken it with flame. The flames are thought to cleanse the bad energy associated with the broken mirror. 

You can also use the broken pieces and turn it into a fine powder. Be sure to wear gloves when handling broken mirror particles. 

2. Bury the pieces 

If you intentionally break a mirror, collect the shards and bury them deep in the ground. This act is thought to neutralize bad luck by symbolically “returning” the bad energy to the earth.

3. Wash it in water 

If a mirror broke by itself or by accident, place the broken mirror pieces in a body of running water like a river or stream to wash away the bad luck.

If a natural water source isn’t available, you can place the pieces in a container of saltwater and then dispose of the water.  If you want to get rid of bad luck after breaking a mirror, this is one of the ways to do so. 

4. Touch a tombstone 

An old superstition suggests that when you touch a tombstone with a piece of the broken mirror, it will transfer the bad luck to the deceased. 

5. Reflect the moon 

Another remedy is to wait for the next full moon and reflect its light off another mirror or the broken pieces. The moon’s light is believed to cleanse and purify one’s soul and it will cleanse all the bad luck from your life.

6. Throw salt over your shoulder 

Sprinkling salt over your left shoulder after a mirror broke by itself is believed to ward off bad luck. This is because salt has long been considered a protective substance in various cultures.

7. Do good deeds for seven hours 

Some believe that to nullify the seven years of bad luck, you should perform a good deed or focus on generating positive energy for seven hours immediately after breaking the mirror.

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What Happens If A Mirror Breaks In Home? 

If a mirror broke by itself or if you tried voluntarily smashing it, it’s best to be careful with the shards as they could nick you. Wear gloves and carefully assess the area to avoid stepping on or touching the broken glass. 

Carefully inspect the surrounding area for any remaining glass pieces, especially in nearby carpets, furniture, or hard-to-reach places. Sweep and vacuum the area thoroughly to ensure no shards are left behind.

Conclusion: Shattered Superstitions

Is it bad luck to break a mirror? Whether a broken mirror brings bad luck or not is up for you to decide but don’t let this thought consume you. There’s no point living in a constant state of dread after breaking a mirror. It has nothing to do with religion, astrology, or science. It happens to everyone and we need to laugh it off and move on. 


1. What does the breaking of a mirror indicate?

Breaking a mirror is traditionally believed to bring bad luck. It comes from ancient superstitions that the mirror reflects not just your physical appearance but your soul. In some cultures, it is also believed that it will disrupt a person’s harmony. 

2. What to do if you accidentally break a mirror?

If you accidentally break a mirror, prioritize your safety first. Carefully get rid of the shards and then move on to performing any ritual you want to get rid of bad luck.

3. What does it mean if a mirror breaks on its own?

If a mirror breaks on its own, some superstitions suggest it could be an omen of upcoming misfortune or a signal that something is not right in your life.

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