Bizarre Weddings! 15 People Who Married Objects

People who married objects

When you think about weddings, what comes to your mind? A happy couple, floral arrangements, a 3-tier cake or emotional vows followed by “I do.” 

Well, that image is about to change. 

In a world that’s full of bizarre, there are people who married objects. You know how people say “love has no bounds?” These people literally took that to a whole new level. This is a strange and fascinating world of objectophilia—where people fall head over heels in love with inanimate objects, and in some cases, even marry them. 

Yes, you read that right! 

Read on to learn more about this curious condition and examples of people marrying inanimate objects.

Can Humans Be Attracted To Objects? 

Yes, humans can be attracted to objects. According to a study, Objectophilia, also known as objectum-sexuality, involves sexual or romantic attraction to inanimate objects. In this, a person develops a strong bond and feelings of love and attraction to an inanimate object.

The idea of people feeling romantic attraction or sexual attraction or getting married to objects may seem strange but this falling in love with objects disorder is very real. 

People in love with inanimate objects form an emotional and romantic bond with objects, ranging from everyday items like phones or cars to larger things like bridges and buildings. 

Is this even legal? Well, even in our ever progressing world, marrying inanimate objects legality is a big question. However, that did not stop these people. 

Here are some of the people who got married to objects.

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How Many People Have Married Inanimate Objects?

Although there is no definite answer to how many people in the world have married inanimate objects till now, we have found at least 15 of the most bizarre ones to share with you. 

While you may still think that people marrying objects is a rather bizarre concept, similar bizarre instances of marrying a tree for religious rituals or renting a family to combat loneliness have been happening around the world. 

And while this might be difficult for us to comprehend, these marriages are very real for the people who are involved in these unions. They have real emotions for their object spouse and care for them just like you would for your partner. For them, these objects are not just objects, they are their real life partners. 

Without further ado, here are are our top 15 picks of weird marriages to objects:

1. Erika LaBrie married Eiffel Tower

Erika LaBrie is one of the most famous people for marrying an object. In 2007, this ex-U.S Air Force soldier made headlines when she decided to marry the Eiffel Tower. She fell in love with the famous landmark after visiting Paris a few times. 

Erika got married in a small ceremony with just close friends and has even legally changed her name to Erika Eiffel. She called Eiffel Tower her wife and said  “Her structure is just amazing. You know, she’s got subtle, subtle curves, you know.” 

2. Linda Ducharme and her Ferris Wheel

A woman named Linda Ducharme from Florida is married to a ferris wheel, whom she calls Bruce. She met Bruce at a carnival in 1982 and both of them dated for 30 years until they decided to finally get married in 2012. 

However, a severe storm damaged Bruce in 1986 which forced his retirement from the carnival. Since then she has not only claimed Bruce’s remains but also spent thousands of dollars on getting him restored so they can spend the rest of their lives together. 

“Bruce is my world, I think about him constantly, it just completely feels right when I’m with Bruce,” she said.

people who married objects - Linda Ducharme and Ferris Wheel
Linda Ducharme hugging her Ferris wheel husband

3. Aaron Chervenak married his phone

Aaron Chervenak married his phone in a ceremony at the Little Vegas Chapel. Apparently, Chervenak wanted to make a point about how dependent people are on their phones.

He said, “If we’re gonna be honest with ourselves, we connect with our phones on so many emotional levels. We look to it for solace, to calm us down, to put us to sleep, to ease our minds, and to me, that’s also what a relationship is about. In a sense, my smartphone has been my longest relationship.” 

We know that people are often addicted to their phones, but marrying one is just another level of love one can have for their phone.

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4. Sharon Tendler got hitched to Cindy, The Dolphin

This one is not technically an object, however it is still as strange as the others on the list. 

A woman named Sharon Tendler married a dolphin named Cindy in Israel. Apparently, they were engaged for 15 years before officially tying the knot as the marriage of dolphin-human is not legal. Sharon explained  
”It’s not a perverted thing, I do love this dolphin. He’s the love of my life.”

However, their ‘happily ever after’ did not last for long. Unfortunately, Cindy passed away just a few months after they got married due to old age. 

5. Amanda Liberty is a wife to a Chandelier

This one definitely is one of the most strange objects on this list. 

Amanda Liberty from England has a thing for chandeliers. She has over 20 hanging lamps in her house and has open relationships with them. 

Her ‘special’ chandelier is a 91-year-old lamp called Lumiere. She told the world,  “I’m determined to have this commitment ceremony, to prove that I’m here for Lumiere and that my love is going to last.” 

She has also had a small fling with the Statue of Liberty.

Amanda Liberty married a Chandelier
Amanda Liberty holding her spouse chandelier

6. Eija-Riitta committed to the Berlin Wall for life

When we talk about people who married objects, this one definitely has to stand out. 

Eija-Riitta has been married to the Berlin Wall for almost 3 decades. She claims that it was love at first sight at the age of 7 when she first saw the wall on TV. 

Since then she started collecting pictures of the wall before finally getting married in 1979. Her legal name now is Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer, in which her now last name means Berlin Wall in German.

However, in 1989 the wall was taken down.  “What they did was awful,” she said. “They mutilated my husband.” She hasnt had the courage to return to the place where her husband once stood, however she still keeps models of the wall to remember his former glory. 

She is currently dating a garden fence. 

7. Till Death Do Us Apart for Joachim and his Steam Engine

Joachim, a repairman finds himself attracted towards technical objects and mechanisms of things. He found himself getting infatuated by objects at the age of 12. He is now in his 50s and married to a steam locomotive.

“A love affair could very well begin with a broken radiator,” Joachim says, “Repair jobs have often led to infidelity in the past.” But things always settle between him and his spouse. 

He knows that people have bizarre fetishes, but he doesn’t classify being married to objects as a fetish. He explained, “you can reveal yourself to an object partner in an intimate way, in a way that you would never reveal yourself to any other person…[even] experience sexuality together.”

8. Sal9000’s union to a video game character

A man called Sal9000 married Nene Anegasaki, a video game character from the Nintendo game called LovePlus. The character was from a dating simulation game and apparently Sal9000 took the game too seriously. 

In the game, players are supposed to woo the female characters and are judged on their behavior based on that. He dated the 25-year-old Nene for 3 months before deciding to make the big decision. He said a female avatar is any day better than an actual woman. Nene doesn’t get angry and also forgives Sal quickly. 

They got married in 2009. He had an eventful wedding with a huge crowd and the wedding was even broadcasted virtually. The bride also gave a speech! 

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9. Amy Wolfe Weber marriage with a roller coaster

Amy Wolfe Weber is the woman who fell in love with a roller coaster. This 35-year-old is a church organist from Pennsylvania, who fell for the ride at the age of 13. She took over 3,000 rides on the roller coaster before marrying it. 

She said “I was instantly attracted to him sexually and mentally. I wasn’t freaked out, as it just felt so natural, but I didn’t tell anyone about it because I knew it wasn’t ‘normal’ to have feelings for a fairground ride.” 

Amy says they have a very fulfilling relationship and there is no jealousy involved even when others ride on her husband. She sleeps with a picture of her husband on the ceiling and carries some nuts and bolts in her pocket so a part of him is always with her. 

Weber is the name of the manufacturer of the roller coaster, which is now Amy’s surname.

Amy Wolfe Weber marriage with a roller coaster
Amy Wolfe kissing her husband roller coaster

10. Chang Hsi-hsum got married to a Barbie doll

Chang Hsi-hsum from Taiwan claims that he married a doll to put the restless spirit of his dead wife at peace. His wife, Tsai, had died of suicide after Chang’s family opposed their marriage. His family then got him married to his second wife but Chang was afraid that his first wife’s spirit was not at peace. 

He decided to get married to the doll as Chang believed the doll encompassed the spirit of his late wife. His second wife supported him in this decision and gave him her blessings.

This 46-year-old man married a barbie doll and the ceremony was quite elaborate. He got married at a Buddhist temple to show Barbie the simpler way of living life. The barbie wore a wedding dress and even wore a gold necklace that belonged to his late wife. 

Chang happily went back home with his second wife, his barbie bride and his first wife’s ashes. Chang Hsi-hsun said: “I have waited for this day for 20 years. Even after all this time, I feel in love with her. Now I will marry her spirit and take her home. We will be finally together and able to live in peace.”

Spiritual marriages are common in many Asian countries like China or India, however getting married to a doll to represent an ex-wife is definitely a one-of-a-kind marriage. 

11. Davecat’s rather unusual wife, Sidore Kuroneko – a sex doll

Davecat married his wife, Sidore Kuroneko, in 2000 after saving around $6,000 to buy her online. Sidore is a RealDoll– a high-end sex doll that’s in the shape of a real human. The doll is primarily made for sex, but in Davecat’s opinion the doll is her life partner. They even wear matching wedding rings that say “Synthetik [sic] love lasts forever.”

Davecat said “She provides me with a lot of things that I can’t get out of an organic partner, like…quiet.” 

Davecat even has a doll mistress, Elena Vostrikova,  whom he purchased online in 2012. The three of them now live together in a one-bedroom apartment. 

the man who married his sex doll
Davecat’s wife and mistress who are both dolls

12. Noorul Mahjabeen Hassan married his game Tetris 

Noorul Mahjabeen Hassan is an Objectum sexual and is one of the people who married objects. She changed her name to Fractal Tetris Huracan after falling in love with the video game tetris. 

Their relationship started in 2016 and she now spends more than 12 hours a day playing tetris. She has a very intimate relationship with tetris and even engages in physical activities with tetris themed objects like tetris cushions. In fact, she has tetris themed things all around her room, from lamps and T-shirts and even limited edition tetris hard drives.

“I think Tetris is so beautiful, he is about perfection and he stimulates your mind,” she said. Before this, she was dating a calculator named Pierre and even an iPod at some time. 

13. Lio Ye and a picture of himself

A 39-year-old Chinese man named Lio Ye married a life-sized picture of him wearing a red bridal wedding dress. He believed that the reality was too dissatisfying for him and marrying himself was something that would truly make him happy. 

He had a traditional wedding with his friends and some curious villagers where he followed all the traditions and ceremonies. 

Ye said that marrying himself doesn’t make him gay, it just makes him “a little bit narcissistic.” He adds, “marrying myself is a process of deconstructing and reconstructing myself. I make use of the wedding to reconsider opposite-sex marriage. My behavior seems ridiculous, but I am traditional and conservative in heart so the wedding ceremony is traditional.” 

He really took ‘loving yourself’ too seriously. 

 Lio Ye and a picture of himself
Lio Ye marrying a picture of himself

14. Carol Santa Fe is a wife to a train station

At the age of 9, Carol Santa Fe met the love of her life, Daidra, a train station. Daidra is a train station in San Diego called the Santa Fe Depot.

Carol adored Daidra for 36 years before getting married in 2015. She meets her wife everyday after commuting for 45 minutes. She talks to Daidra and tells her about her day and also has mental sex with Daidra. They don’t have actual physical sex because Daidra is in a public place. 

Carol claims that Daidra is in fact very romantic and believes that she is the love of her life. She even has a private area in the station, with less crowd around, where she can touch Daidra and feel as if she is kissing her wife. However, she stays very cautious of people around and getting caught. She doesn’t want to get banned like Erica Eiffel was banned from the Eiffel tower after too many public displays of affection.

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15. The marriage of Bill Rifka and his iBook

Bill Rifka, a 35-year-old psychology student, fell in love with his iBook. It is common for people who marry objects, to give that object a gender. “To me, my Mac is male. I’m living in a homosexual relationship, so to speak,” Rifka said. 

Bill agrees to have dated many laptops before finding his true love. 

What are people called who marry objects?

These people who married objects are often referred to as Objectophiles or Objectosexuals.

For them this experience and emotional bond is very real. This falling in love with objects disorder is so real for them that they talk about these objects as having personalities and human-like qualities. 

Objectophiles feel a deeper connection to objects than any human relation, because there are no complications, disagreements or misunderstandings with an object. When a person marries an object, they feel that this type of love is pure, unconditional and comes without any judgment. 

The same study mentioned earlier observed that most of the people who were married to objects showed signs of autism spectrum disorders. While the exact reasons and psychology behind object sexuality is still a mystery, here are some theories that researchers have proposed: 

  1. Neurological Differences: Some experts believe that Objectophilia may be linked to neurological differences, where the brain processes emotions differently.
  2. Past Experiences: For some, past traumas or negative experiences with human relationships might lead them to find comfort and safety in objects.
  3. Animism: Due to religious beliefs, some people think that inanimate objects possess a spiritual presence, souls, feelings, brain and the ability to communicate.
  4. Autism: A stark relation between autism and Objectophilia has been linked in various studies. People on the spectrum might find it easier to connect with objects than with other humans due to the predictability and constancy of objects.

While this may seem very unusual and strange, Objectophilia is very real and well documented in medical studies. 

Conclusion: Love Truly Has No Bounds

People who married objects and their attraction to these objects is a very real, albeit strange, phenomenon that might be difficult for people to comprehend. While the reason behind their attraction is not fully understood, it’s clear that people who experience it find it very real and significant. 

While the legality of marrying inanimate objects can be a huge question, it is safe to say for now that these weddings were definitely not recognized by the legal system. 

But can you marry inanimate objects? Yes, you can but these are broadly symbolic ceremonies that people hold to express their connection to their inanimate objects. 

As we continue to explore the many facets of human love and connection, Objectophilia serves as a reminder that love can take many forms, some of which may be beyond our conventional comprehension.


1. Is Objectophilia a mental illness?

Objectophilia, the attraction to inanimate objects, is not considered as a mental illness. However, it is considered as an uncommon psychological phenomenon and may be linked to certain conditions such as autism or past trauma. 

2.  Are such marriages legal? 

Marriages between humans and inanimate objects are not legally recognized anywhere in the world. These unions are more symbolic, mostly performed for personal significance. 
Legal systems universally define marriage as a union between two people, both of whom must be capable of giving consent. Since an object cannot consent or fulfill the legal requirements of a marriage, such unions are not considered legal.

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