Not So General Knowledge

sex life in india

The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Sex Life in India After Marriage

Navigating sex life after marriage can be a delicate topic, especially in a culturally rich and diverse country like India.  The journey of intimacy and connection can be both beautiful and complex, shaped by traditional beliefs, societal expectations, and individual desires.  This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to foster a healthy and fulfilling…

why you should read everyday

The Power of Reading: How Daily Habits Benefit Your Brain and Life

Reading is a simple activity with far-reaching benefits. It can sharpen your mind, boost your well-being, and improve your social life. Here’s how: How to Develop a Reading Habit? Incorporating reading into your daily life is an investment in yourself. It’s a simple habit with powerful benefits that can enrich your mind, improve your well-being,…

adult breastfeeding

Inside the Secret World of Adult Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding – a natural act of nourishment, a symbol of maternal care, and the cornerstone of infant development. But what about breastfeeding beyond infancy? Forget everything you think you know about breastfeeding. We’re not talking about chubby cheeks and gurgling newborns here. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the surprising world of adult breastfeeding. Is…

Why Do We Fear Change

Why Do We Fear Change, Even If We Are Unhappy With the Current Situation?

Change is an inevitable part of life, influencing our personal and societal landscapes. Yet, the concept of change often evokes a deep-seated unease or fear in many people.  This phenomenon, widely recognized as the “fear of change,” is intriguing, especially when we consider scenarios where individuals remain unhappy with their current situations.  Why, then, is…

The magnitude of India’s upcoming election – Why is it one of the biggest elections in the world?

The magnitude of India’s upcoming election – Why is it one of the biggest elections in the world?

India is set to hold the world’s largest general election in April. The election will start on April 19th and will go on for a total of 44 days till June 1st. The election is divided into 7 stages and the result of this election will be announced on June 4th. This election is considered to be…

Why You Stay Up So Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn’t

Why You Stay Up So Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn’t

Do you often find yourself scrolling through social media late into the night, despite knowing you should be asleep? You’re not alone. This behaviour, known as “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination,” is more common than you might think and can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall health. What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? First coined in a…