Not So General Knowledge

How to Stop Overthinking at Night

How to Stop Overthinking at Night: A Comprehensive Guide

Does overthinking keep you awake at night? You’re not alone.  You know the feeling all too well. As the moon rises, you snuggle into your cosy bed, but just as your eyelids grow heavy, your mind kicks into overdrive. Overthinking at night can feel like a never-ending spiral, and it often hits hardest when we’re trying to…

The Psychological and Societal Effects of Social Media on Human Behaviour

The Psychological and Societal Effects of Social Media on Human Behaviour

You’ve probably heard a lot about the impact of social media and the internet on our lives. But have you ever wondered how these digital platforms are truly shaping our behaviour, mental health, and privacy? The psychological effects of social media go much beyond this as well. Well, today we’ll dive into this ocean of…

Beyond Bromance: The Beautiful Tradition of Indian Men Holding Hands

Beyond Bromance: The Beautiful Tradition of Indian Men Holding Hands

As you stroll through the busy streets of India, you may notice something quite unusual – men holding hands. Pretty common, right? Move over, high-fives, and fist-bumps – Indian men have their own unique way of showing brotherly love: holding hands! Why Do Indian Men Hold Hands? In India, it is quite common to see…

What will happen if the Earth stops rotating?

What will happen if the Earth stops rotating?

Ever wondered? What would happen if the Earth stops rotating? It’s a curious thought, isn’t it? One that has captivated the minds of scientists and science-fiction writers alike. From apocalyptic scenarios to wild speculations, the idea of the Earth’s rotation coming to a sudden halt is enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine. But what…

impact of social media on interpersonal relationships

The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

Social media has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and interact with each other. It has changed the way we form and maintain relationships, both online and offline. In this article, we will explore the ways in which social media has impacted interpersonal communication and relationships. Social Media Has Changed The Way…

Why we Eat when we are Bored

Eaten up by Boredom: Why we Eat When we are Bored

Have you ever felt empty and turned to food just to escape the feeling and fill the void within or because you have nothing better to do? You’re not alone.  In fact, almost everyone has experienced this at some point in their lives. Studies observe that people eat when they feel bored to escape self-awareness of negative…