
Bacteria-Based Art

The Hidden World of Bacteria-Based Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microorganisms

In the intersection of science and art lies a fascinating and often overlooked realm: bacteria-based art. This unique form of artistic expression utilizes living microorganisms, predominantly bacteria, to create stunning visual masterpieces. This article delves into the techniques, history, and significance of bacteria-based art, highlighting its growing popularity and potential. The Birth of Microbial Art…

What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Digital Afterlife: What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Let’s face it; nobody cherishes pondering about the inevitable: our departure from this earthly realm. However, deciding what will become of our physical possessions post-mortem is essential. The question is, do we lend the same gravity of thought to our digital footprints? Not quite, but this is set to change. As we tread deeper into the digital…

Understanding Sexsomnia: The Sleeping Disorder that Causes Sexual Behaviour While Asleep

Understanding Sexsomnia: The Sleeping Disorder that Causes Sexual Behaviour While Asleep

What is Sexsomnia? Sexsomnia, otherwise known as “sleep sex,” is a relatively rare but intriguing sleep disorder classified under parasomnias, a group of sleep disorders that involve unwanted events or experiences occurring while falling asleep, sleeping, or waking up. Its fundamental characteristic is engaging in sexual behaviours while asleep. These episodes typically occur between deep,…

The Evolution of Queer Representation in Indian Cinema: From Stereotypes to Empowerment

The Evolution of Queer Representation in Indian Cinema: From Stereotypes to Empowerment

In the multifaceted narrative of homosexuality in India, cinema, as a powerful medium of expression, holds a significant place. Over the years, Indian cinema has been a mirror, reflecting societal attitudes, norms, and shifts in perception about various subjects, and homosexuality has been no exception. When it comes to homosexuality in India, the topic tends…

The world's Weirdest Museums

The World’s Weirdest Museums and What They Have on Display

Are you tired of visiting the same old traditional museums? A visit to the museum doesn’t necessarily have to be “boring” or “educational”. It’s time to take a deep dive into the peculiar world of the weirdest museums in the world. From hair to instant ramen, these unconventional attractions are sure to pique your curiosity…

Adulting is an Extreme Sport

Adulting is an Extreme Sport

Embracing the Challenges of Adulthood, One Day at a Time When you think of extreme sports, what comes to mind? Snowboarding down treacherous slopes, skydiving from incredible heights, or perhaps whitewater rafting through raging rapids? Well, have you ever considered that adulting might just be the most extreme “sport” of them all? Sure, it might not come…