Unique Information

the origin of dude

History Of The Word ‘Dude’

Language is a truly fascinating tool of communication. Every word carries with it a history so enigmatic that it captivates etymologists and linguists alike.  Although we often use words daily without much thought, occasionally we encounter terms that make us wonder about its origin. One such word is “dude”—commonly used yet seldom understood in its…

touching your partner in your sleep

5 Reasons Why Couples Need Physical Touch While Sleeping

Have you ever realized that even after a particularly heated argument, you feel the need to touch your partner’s hand or have some sort of physical contact while sleeping? Touching your partner in your sleep becomes a common habit that couples grow to develop after sleeping next to each other.  Physical touch is an essential…

Apple No Villain Clause

Bad Guys Can’t Use iPhones: Unpacking Apple’s ‘No Villain Clause’

Disclaimer: If you don’t want to know who the bad guys are at the start of a movie, stop reading this article NOW!  Once you read this article, this might be the first thing you’ll notice when you watch your next crime thriller. Before we begin, let’s try to understand how big brands use product…