Unique Information

Is Private Browsing Really Private?

Is Private Browsing Really Private? – Google to Delete Billions of Browser Records in the Latest Settlement

People have been relying on Google’s ‘Incognito’ mode to do private browsing. But is it really ‘private’ if your data is being recorded? In a recent lawsuit, the internet tech giant is accused of improperly tracking the web-browsing habits of its users, even in the ‘incognito’ mode. The suit was originally filed in 2020 and Google was…

We Are Already Using AI More Than We Realise

We Are Already Using AI More Than We Realise

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the pervasive influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping our daily lives, often in ways that go unnoticed. Despite the lack of conscious recognition, AI has become an integral part of our routine, supporting decisions, enhancing creativity, and automating mundane tasks. This article delves into the omnipresent yet subtle…

Bacteria-Based Art

The Hidden World of Bacteria-Based Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microorganisms

In the intersection of science and art lies a fascinating and often overlooked realm: bacteria-based art. This unique form of artistic expression utilizes living microorganisms, predominantly bacteria, to create stunning visual masterpieces. This article delves into the techniques, history, and significance of bacteria-based art, highlighting its growing popularity and potential. The Birth of Microbial Art…

What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Digital Afterlife: What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Let’s face it; nobody cherishes pondering about the inevitable: our departure from this earthly realm. However, deciding what will become of our physical possessions post-mortem is essential. The question is, do we lend the same gravity of thought to our digital footprints? Not quite, but this is set to change. As we tread deeper into the digital…

Understanding Sexsomnia: The Sleeping Disorder that Causes Sexual Behaviour While Asleep

Understanding Sexsomnia: The Sleeping Disorder that Causes Sexual Behaviour While Asleep

What is Sexsomnia? Sexsomnia, otherwise known as “sleep sex,” is a relatively rare but intriguing sleep disorder classified under parasomnias, a group of sleep disorders that involve unwanted events or experiences occurring while falling asleep, sleeping, or waking up. Its fundamental characteristic is engaging in sexual behaviours while asleep. These episodes typically occur between deep,…

How Often Should You Poop?

How Often Should You Poop? 

“How often should you poop?” It’s a question most people wonder about but feel a tad too embarrassed to discuss openly. Nevertheless, it’s a vital aspect of our overall health that merits understanding. When it comes to the number two business, many of us aren’t certain about what constitutes normalcy. Is going every day the…