Unique Information

The Evolution of Queer Representation in Indian Cinema: From Stereotypes to Empowerment

The Evolution of Queer Representation in Indian Cinema: From Stereotypes to Empowerment

In the multifaceted narrative of homosexuality in India, cinema, as a powerful medium of expression, holds a significant place. Over the years, Indian cinema has been a mirror, reflecting societal attitudes, norms, and shifts in perception about various subjects, and homosexuality has been no exception. When it comes to homosexuality in India, the topic tends…

why we procrastinate

Why We Procrastinate and How to Stop: The Psychology of Delayed Tasks

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen or an empty to-do list, knowing that you have a task to complete but feeling completely unmotivated to get started?  You’re not alone. Procrastination is a common struggle for many people and can be a real obstacle to productivity and success.  Let me ask you a question:…

How to Live A Minimalist Life

How to Live A Minimalist Life? The Ultimate Guide to Minimalism and Decluttering

Less is More! Can living with less make you happier? Introduction to a Minimalist Lifestyle At some point in our lives, most of us have experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed by the clutter in our homes and our minds. Whether it’s a messy kitchen counter, a closet bursting with clothes, or a never-ending to-do…

How to Stop Overthinking at Night

How to Stop Overthinking at Night: A Comprehensive Guide

Does overthinking keep you awake at night? You’re not alone.  You know the feeling all too well. As the moon rises, you snuggle into your cosy bed, but just as your eyelids grow heavy, your mind kicks into overdrive. Overthinking at night can feel like a never-ending spiral, and it often hits hardest when we’re trying to…

Beyond Bromance: The Beautiful Tradition of Indian Men Holding Hands

Beyond Bromance: The Beautiful Tradition of Indian Men Holding Hands

As you stroll through the busy streets of India, you may notice something quite unusual – men holding hands. Pretty common, right? Move over, high-fives, and fist-bumps – Indian men have their own unique way of showing brotherly love: holding hands! Why Do Indian Men Hold Hands? In India, it is quite common to see…

Adulting is an Extreme Sport

Adulting is an Extreme Sport

Embracing the Challenges of Adulthood, One Day at a Time When you think of extreme sports, what comes to mind? Snowboarding down treacherous slopes, skydiving from incredible heights, or perhaps whitewater rafting through raging rapids? Well, have you ever considered that adulting might just be the most extreme “sport” of them all? Sure, it might not come…


Does your Smartwatch Track your Sexual Activity?

Smartwatches have revolutionised the world ever since they came into the market. Some of the most widely used watches available today such as the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Nike+, came out between 2006 and 2013. These watches began growing in popularity in 2013-2014 thanks to the fact that they help in tracking calories burned, average…