Unusual Knowledge

Afghan Snow India's first beauty cream

Afghan Snow: The Story of India’s First Beauty Cream and its Royal Legacy

India’s first beauty cream was named by a King and endorsed by Gandhi. It was advertised as many things but never as a complexion lightener. In the rich mosaic of Indian commercial history, few products boast as intriguing a backstory as Afghan Snow, India’s first beauty cream.  Born from a serendipitous moment in 1919 and named…

Is Private Browsing Really Private?

Is Private Browsing Really Private? – Google to Delete Billions of Browser Records in the Latest Settlement

People have been relying on Google’s ‘Incognito’ mode to do private browsing. But is it really ‘private’ if your data is being recorded? In a recent lawsuit, the internet tech giant is accused of improperly tracking the web-browsing habits of its users, even in the ‘incognito’ mode. The suit was originally filed in 2020 and Google was…

We Are Already Using AI More Than We Realise

We Are Already Using AI More Than We Realise

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the pervasive influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping our daily lives, often in ways that go unnoticed. Despite the lack of conscious recognition, AI has become an integral part of our routine, supporting decisions, enhancing creativity, and automating mundane tasks. This article delves into the omnipresent yet subtle…

The magnitude of India’s upcoming election – Why is it one of the biggest elections in the world?

The magnitude of India’s upcoming election – Why is it one of the biggest elections in the world?

India is set to hold the world’s largest general election in April. The election will start on April 19th and will go on for a total of 44 days till June 1st. The election is divided into 7 stages and the result of this election will be announced on June 4th. This election is considered to be…

Why You Stay Up So Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn’t

Why You Stay Up So Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn’t

Do you often find yourself scrolling through social media late into the night, despite knowing you should be asleep? You’re not alone. This behaviour, known as “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination,” is more common than you might think and can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall health. What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? First coined in a…

The Consequences of Blindly Trusting Artificial Intelligence

The Consequences of Blindly Trusting Artificial Intelligence

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present reality, its impact is profoundly felt across numerous industries and facets of daily life.  The rapid advancement and integration of AI into various sectors have opened up a world of possibilities, offering unparalleled efficiency and innovative solutions. However, this technological marvel…

What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Digital Afterlife: What Happens to Our Digital Data After We Die?

Let’s face it; nobody cherishes pondering about the inevitable: our departure from this earthly realm. However, deciding what will become of our physical possessions post-mortem is essential. The question is, do we lend the same gravity of thought to our digital footprints? Not quite, but this is set to change. As we tread deeper into the digital…