Unusual Knowledge

avocados mean testicles

Avocados were named after a word which means ‘testicle’ 

You’ll never look at an avocado the same way again. What Does Avocado Mean? If literally translated, avocado means testicles! Yes, that’s right! The most trending, tasty and healthy superfood is actually named after the male reproductive organ! Indigenous people of Mexico and Central America discovered avocados in 500 BC, around the time when the…


Does your Smartwatch Track your Sexual Activity?

Smartwatches have revolutionised the world ever since they came into the market. Some of the most widely used watches available today such as the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Nike+, came out between 2006 and 2013. These watches began growing in popularity in 2013-2014 thanks to the fact that they help in tracking calories burned, average…