Urban Legends

The Krakatoa Eruption-The Loudest Sound Ever Recorded

The Krakatoa Eruption: The Loudest Sound Ever Recorded

Krakatoa is surrounded by mountains and greenery and it is truly one of the most breathtaking sights one will ever witness. But what exactly happened there? Something that left its mark on the world was the Krakatoa volcanic eruption, the loudest sound ever recorded in the world and has reverberated throughout history.  It is an…

Unsolved Mysteries of India

Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries of India That Baffle the World

Welcome to India, one of the oldest civilizations on Earth. With its rich tapestry of history and culture, there are stories and unsolved mysteries of India that have mystified minds for centuries. With such a rich and elaborate history, there are some ancient Indian secrets that are bound to be unsolved.  Let’s go on a…

bizarre historical events

The 10 Bizarre Historical Events that Actually Happened

Do you know how they say that history is often stranger than fiction? Well, that’s completely true. Every now and then, we randomly come across interesting, unknown historical events that are so bizarre that we can’t believe they actually happened. These stories often seem more like fictional tales—so surreal you would think it’s a plotline…