11 Things Only Left Handers Can Do — Weird Advantages Of Being Left Handed

weird advantages of being left handed

Being born in a world full of righties could make you feel like you are in the minority here. It’s true. Statistics show that only 10% of the people in the world are left-handers. 

But there are many things only left handers can do that right handed people will never get to experience. As International Left-handers Day approaches, let’s take a look at all the left-handed advantages which make them gifted. 

What Is Special About A Left-Handed Person? 

It turns out that being left-handed could just be the secret of success as there are many famous left handed people all over the world.

From Ratan Tata to Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie, they are all lefties. They are all known for their unique personality and creative talents. Lefties do have a knack for making all the extraordinary things look effortless all while navigating a world that’s built for people who use the other hand. 

Now, here are a few interesting facts about left-handed people that makes them special:

1. Left handed people think differently 

One of the unique things about left handers is that they have different brain dominance. According to research, this difference in brain dominance affects language processing and spatial reasoning. They have different brain structures and functions that differ from right-handed individuals, which can influence their cognitive processes and abilities. 

In simple terms, they have a higher IQ and their brains are wired differently which often gives them a different perspective. So, yes, one of the interesting facts about left handed people is that they think differently. 

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2. It runs in the family

Which hand you use is often determined by genetics. If anyone in your family is left-handed, there’s a possibility of you being left-handed too. Even nature and heredity leave a bit of mystery and unpredictability as a child is growing and figuring out which hand to use more often. 

3. They have strong adaptive skills

According to studies, left-handed people usually develop strong adaptive skills. This is because they live in a predominantly right-handed world.

Basically, the fact that they are growing up in a predominantly right-handed world makes them develop a high degree of adaptability and problem-solving skills. This makes them way more dexterous and versatile than right handed individuals. 

4. They are creative

Left-handedness and creativity go hand in hand. Some studies claim that left-handed people are more intelligent, creative, and have better problem-solving abilities when compared to right-handed people.

It has been found that they have an increased intersperse communication and unconventional approaches to difficult situations. They are artistic and might be smarter than the majority of the world. I mean.. Look at Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo da Vinci. They are all creative and smart people with great problem-solving skills. 

5. They are good at sports 

One of the powers of being left-handed is that they are good at sports. Athletes may have an advantage in sports as they can offer an unexpected challenge to opponents who are used to competing against right-handed players.  

Rafael Nadal, one of the biggest and most successful names in tennis, is left-handed. Some other famous left handed people in sports are LeBron James, Bill Russell, Diego Maradona, and Mesut Özil. 

11 Things Only Left Handers Can Do

Infographic on 11 Things Only Left Handers Can Do
Infographic :11 Things Only Left Handers Can Do

In a world dominated by right-handers, left-handed people add a touch of magic, mystery, and mayhem. That make our lives more interesting by doing things that only left handers can do:

1. They can excel at ambidextrous activities 

One of the powers of being left-handed is that they can use both their hands with finesse. That’s not the case with right handed people. Righties can only use their right hand for all activities, whereas lefties are more ambidextrous.

For example, lefties can use both their hands to play an instrument, can write from both their hands, and they can cook using both hands. This is likely because many lefties have had to adapt using their right hand for various tasks in a right-handed world which makes them more proficient with both hands. 

2. They are the champions of rock, paper, scissors 

One funny yet interesting fact about lefties is that left handers are better at playing rock, paper, scissors than right handed people. That’s exactly what the official association has to say.

Lefties have an upper hand while playing the game. Why, you ask? Because the opponents are so used to the right-hand reflex that they don’t see the sneaky left hook coming. 

3. They can recover from internal and external injuries quickly 

Another one of the left handed people advantages is that they can recover from a stroke more quickly than right-handed people. That’s what a study done in 2015 says. Left-handed people recover from strokes and other brain-related injuries faster than right-handed people. 

Not just stroke and other brain diseases but left handed people can also recover from external injuries quickly. That’s what research claims. Whether it’s an elbow dislocation or a sprained ankle, lefties can recover from any injury faster than right-handed people. 

4. They are better drivers

Thanks to their brain’s unique wiring and adaptive skills, one of the facts about left-handed people is that they are better drivers than righties. This is because left-handed people often have faster reaction times due to their more balanced brain hemisphere usage, which can make them more responsive behind the wheel. 

That’s certainly a rare gift, isn’t it? 

5. They are more likely to become an American president

Another gifted quality to note is that even though lefties are less in population, a notable number have become U.S. presidents.

This includes recent leaders like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush. It’s an intriguing statistic that suggests lefties might have a special edge in leadership. 

Life is hard for everyone, especially for lefties but the fact that some of them overcome all the adversities and become such influential figures should motivate all of us. 

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6. They are better at understanding Google maps

If you’ve noticed that your lefty friends are always good at understanding Google Maps, then you are right about it. They are indeed good at spatial reasoning. Researchers have observed that left-handed people showed a lower rate of error when figuring out the GPS. 

7. They have better self-control

From lashing out in anger to controlling their sugar urge, left handed people are better at controlling themselves.

According to studies, they have better inhibitory control which is responsible for the way we control ourselves. This can be extremely beneficial in various aspects of their lives as they won’t easily give in to their temptations. 

8. They are better at multitasking

What is the hardest thing to do left-handed? Actually, nothing. They are good at everything including multitasking like attending a virtual meeting while drafting an email.

Left-handed females will also be better at managing different childcare duties like feeding, playing, and tending to a child’s needs with ease as they have a heightened cognitive flexibility which allows them to easily shift from one task to another without any difficulty. 

9. They are better at playing video games 

According to a study done by Australian professor, Nick Cherbuin, lefties often perform better than righties when it comes to complex and fast-paced tasks. The next time you are playing video games with a lefty, you’ll be stuck at level one while they must have crossed level three. That’s one of the left-handed people advantages that you can’t ignore. 

Furthermore, left-handed players are accustomed to adapting to right-handed game setups, which can enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

10. They have greater perseverance 

According to studies, left-handed men and women often exhibit remarkable perseverance because they are constantly navigating a world designed predominantly for right-handed people.

This daily challenge forces lefties to adapt and overcome obstacles. This is a testament that proves they are more resilient and can turn all their adversities into strength. 

11. They can do mirror writing 

Another fascinating thing about left-handers based on research is that they are great at mirror writing. It’s a skill where people have the ability to write words in reverse.

This ability stems from their unique brain structure and spatial reasoning. While mirror writing is rare among right-handed people, left-handers may find it more natural due to their familiarity with unconventional writing angles and techniques.  

Are There Any Disadvantages Of Being Left Handed? 

Left-handers struggle with quite a few activities. Not because they aren’t intellectually or physically equipped to fail. But because man-made things are usually manufactured keeping righties in mind. That’s the sad truth about left handers.

Here are some disadvantages of being left handed:

  • Lefties may have a hard time opening soda cans, operating scissors, or certain computer mice. It won’t be impossible for them to use these things but it will be less convenient for them 
  • They also face smudging issues as notebooks are designed keeping in mind the convenience of right handed people 
  • Desks and work spaces are usually designed keeping right-handed people in mind 


There are things only left handers can do but there’s no such thing as only righties can do. That’s one of the biggest advantages of being a lefty. There will be some advantages but they are strong enough to overcome them. 


1. Are left-handers gifted?

Left-handers aren’t gifted in the most literal sense. Yes, they do have unique cognitive traits and greater creativity but that doesn’t mean they are gifted. Just because one is left-handed, doesn’t mean it guarantees absolute win or success in life. 

2. Why are lefties so special?

Lefties are considered special because they are very small in population. Their brain structure differs from right-handed people which makes left-handed people special. 

3. What profession has the most left-handers?

Left handed people are prevalent in all fields. From astronauts to scientists, teachers, and athletes. They have left a mark in all industries and professions. 

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