Illegal Internet Searches That Can Land You In Trouble 

Illegal Internet Searches That Can Land You In Trouble 

A person’s curiosity knows no bounds in the vast expanse of cyberspace. But the internet is never a safe place. There are quite a few things you can get in trouble for googling. 

You could be searching for something innocently or googling something illegal just to learn more about the topic. Nevertheless, those harmless searches can turn your digital safari into a legal minefield. In this article, we’ll explore some keywords that are considered illegal internet searches. 

Things You Can Get In Trouble For Googling 

If you are wondering, “What Google knows about me?”, then you are right to ask this question. It knows every place you’ve been to, the friends you have, and the person you are sending “I love you” messages to, and basically everything else that you’ve made public on the internet. That’s why you need to be careful before searching anything illegal on the internet. 

You could just be googling random thoughts but you need to think twice before hitting that search button. Read along and find out what search terms can land you in hot water.

1. Child porn

If you are wondering what Google searches are monitored, this one definitely is. Searching or viewing any kind of sexual content that involves boys or girls below the age of 18 is a crime. 

Just searching these words can put you on the radar. It doesn’t matter if you clear your browsing history after that. 

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2. Bomb-making process

According to the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, any and all terrorism-related keywords are constantly being monitored all over the world. So, what searches on Google can get you in trouble? 

Searching things like, “how to make a homemade bomb” or “how to hide a bomb” can put you on their watch list. Such searches can trigger alerts and lead to increased scrutiny from law enforcement and intelligence agencies. 

These agencies use advanced algorithms and keyword tracking tools to identify and assess potential risks. If your online activity raises red flags, you might find yourself on a watch list. It could also lead to potential investigation or intervention. 

3. Sharing a victim’s ID 

If you share any information regarding any victim, be it sexual assault or any kind of abuse, your digital footprint will constantly be monitored.

You must keep the identity of a victim hidden and avoid sharing their name, picture, or address on the internet. Let’s say you received the victim’s information in a viral WhatsApp message or perhaps you find their ID lying on the road. It is best to report it to the authorities instead of posting it on social media platforms. 

4. Film piracy 

We might think sharing a pirated movie online is not a big deal but it is a big deal. According to the law, it is illegal to upload or download copyrighted material via Torrent or any other pirated websites. So many of us do this casually on a daily basis like it’s not a big deal. 

But in India, downloading copyrighted material such as movies via torrents is illegal. Accessing copyrighted content without authorization breaches the Copyright Act of 1957. It can land you in prison for at least three years. 

5. How to commit a murder

Isn’t this obvious? I am glad this is on our list of things you can get in trouble for googling. I mean, just think of the crime rates if this wasn’t monitored! Someone pissed you off? Let’s Google how to commit a murder..

As expected, and rightly so, his is one of the things that Google can’t answer. Searching such things isn’t illegal but it will come back and bite you in the back if you get caught up in an investigation. Even if you had nothing to do with the murder, you will be viewed in a negative light. 

6. Buying drugs online

Drugs are illegal online and offline. So, searching such terms on the internet can land you in trouble. In recent times, people have been accessing the dark web to search, buy, and sell drugs. This is illegal and potentially lethal. 

The dark web exists within the deep web which includes every aspect of the internet that’s not shown in search engines. Furthermore, The dark web is often associated with illegal activities due to its anonymity and encrypted nature, which can conceal the identities of its users.  

7. Hiring a prostitute 

Googling something illegal is equally related to doing something illegal in real life. Prostitution is legal in some cities and countries but not in all.

Let’s say you are bored on a Saturday night and just want to have a steamy time. You look up for online prostitutes thinking it’s a minor thing but it’s not. Online or internet prostitution is illegal in most jurisdictions and you can be targeted for searching such terms on the internet. 

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Can You Get Arrested For A Suspicious Google Search? 

It is unlikely to get arrested for searching a suspicious term. However, if you search up something inappropriate on Google like child pornography, it can trigger a cyber investigation against you that may ruin your mental peace. You may end up facing legal consequences if anyone notices your digital history and raises a cause for concern. 

To put it in simple words, searching a term isn’t suspicious. But when you are a part of a broader investigation involving other similar suspicious activities or evidence, it could seriously backfire. For instance, searches related to illegal activities, when combined with other evidence will definitely be investigated further. 

What Happens If You Search For Illegal Content On Google? 

When you access illegal content on the internet, it can start a legal investigation by law enforcement. Here are some dangerous things that can happen if you search for illegal content:

  • Searching for illegal content on Google can have serious legal consequences. The severe the search term, the deeper trouble you will find yourself in
  • If you are caught in a legal situation involving online searches, consult with a knowledgeable attorney. Lawyers can also help you navigate the complexities of legal proceedings. They will offer strategies for your defense and work to lessen any potential consequences 
  • To avoid legal trouble, steer clear of searching for or accessing illegal content online

Conclusion: Hey, Google. Are You Spying On Me? 

We live in an era where digitalization is thriving due to which we have unprecedented access to every information on earth. This does not mean you can look up illegal things on the internet. This isn’t just unethical and amoral but it can also present severe legal repercussions. Now that you know about the things you can get in trouble for googling, be smart and avoid doing anything risky. 

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